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May is Green Ribbon Month

GREEN RIBBON – CHANGING MINDS ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH For the past five years there has been an awareness campaign to change minds around mental health. There are many campaigns with different coloured ribbons across the globe. This green ribbon campaign is aimed at starting the conversation around the stigma attached to Mental Health issues.  What […]

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  Contradictions are one of the hardest things to live with in modern society. When there are two sets of facts or ideas or pictures that conflict but maybe true.  When science has proven something, and then we hear that another scientist has disproved this, what do we believe? Contradictions can also be of a […]

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This article focuses on a crucial element involved in all relationships which is trust.   All of us have some idea of the meaning of trust in an emotional sense, I trust my mother meaning I can rely on her or my friend is trustworthy, I can share personal information and he does not tell […]

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Healing from Betrayal

We looked at trust last week and how to build trust, so this week we examine how to heal when trust is broken, or when betrayal happens. There are examples throughout history and in every religious script of serious betrayals, and many great pieces of literature contain betrayal as the main story. This occurs between […]

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The Great Outdoors


Nature has the ability to reduce stress, anxiety and depression. A walk in the park, along the beach or simply sitting in your garden relaxing, can calm the mind, boost energy levels and restore awareness of the self and others. Being outside in the daylight, amongst nature appreciating the environment and our surroundings can afford […]

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Good Mood Food


It is a well known fact that what we eat and drink can affect our mood. Our body and mind responds to what we digest not just on a physiological level but also on an emotional level. However, everyone has a tendency to ignore this on a small or grand scale to some degree depending […]

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Personal Barriers to Success


Frequently we sabotage ourselves by feeling that we don’t deserve success or happiness. Fear of failure can prevent us from moving towards a desired goal. However, this is often to do with our sense of not being enough – more than loss of money or time or reputation. If you have a fear of failure […]

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Barriers to Success


Do you ever feel that you have more potential that you are realising? Perhaps it seems as if your plans never come to fruition – or you sabotage your own success. Perhaps you lack confidence in your own abilities and doubt your capacity for success. Do you tend to procrastinate or find your great ideas […]

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Plan for Success


Planning ahead, in whatever task we do, can help smooth the way and prevent problems from arising later on. Confucius, the Chinese philosopher rightly said, “A man who does not plan long ahead will find trouble at his door.” It is said that “Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can […]

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Mock Exams


  Now that the mock exams are over students will get a pretty good idea of where they stand in relation to their studies. They will instinctively know if they have done either great, fair or poorly and from this they can decide how to approach the next 3 months or so because believe it […]

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