Kerry Lifeline

Mock Exams



Now that the mock exams are over students will get a pretty good idea of where they stand in relation to their studies. They will instinctively know if they have done either great, fair or poorly and from this they can decide how to approach the next 3 months or so because believe it or not there is still time left to catch up, improve and produce a higher grade. Mocks have given them the opportunity to practice timing their written answers per question and get the feel of sitting a state exam whilst experiencing a mixture of anxiety, worry and stress all at the same time. They suddenly realize that they may be a little or a lot behind! Whatever the case may be it’ll be an eye opener! Gentle encouragement to study more and words of advice to do their best will go a long way in supporting your son or daughter as they head towards the Junior and Leaving Certificate. Their school days are filled with reminders from teachers to complete their homework and cover study also because they want your teenager to achieve their full potential and go on to achieve their hopes and dreams. However parents can observe if their son or daughter is getting enough sleep and exercise as well as eating a healthy, balanced diet. Are they taking adequate breaks from study and talking about how they feel? Many parents report their teenagers becoming moodier and reactive so perhaps time your chats. Discussing everything straight after their school day can be a little over whelming for them, so consider leaving it a while before engaging them in conversation about school, exams, study and so on. These chats don’t have to take place every day. The best approach is to touch base when and if necessary depending on how your teenager is presenting. If you think they are not coping well name it, if you think that they are distracted with phones, computers and gaming name it and if you think they need a break name it. Linking in at the right time and not every time is more worthwhile in the long run. Every teenager is different when it comes to exam stress and academic ability so try not to compare them to cousins, siblings or friends. However chatting to them about a study timetable   (which allows for breaks), getting exercise and eating well is a step in the right direction. Keeping the lines of communication open, being realistic about their academic abilities and exploring their options after school can reduce stress and help them embrace their future with enthusiasm and optimism. It is important that they look after their emotional and mental health during these challenging times and move on successfully to enjoy the next new chapter in their young lives.

SouthWest Counselling Centre Killarney provides affordable professional counselling to children, adolescents adults and couples – both at its Killarney Centre (Lewis Road) and at Kenmare Family Centre.

Kerry LifeLine provides FREE counselling and support to anyone feeling suicidal or bereaved through suicide.    To make an appointment call 064 6636416/064 66364100

 SouthWest Counselling Centre is a not-for-profit organization. All funds raised through fundraising go directly to service provision